About Master Program

Program Mission

To provide a distinguished academic program to laboratory specialists by providing attractive learning and teaching environment, clinical research training, community services, and modern techniques.

Program Goals
  1. Ensuring high quality in the teaching and preparation of qualified cadres in the field of clinical laboratory sciences and scientific research.
  2. Preparation of stakeholders academically and using modern methods in teaching, learning, and scientific research.
  3. Ensuring graduation of distinguished laboratory professionals to serve the community and produce research publication.
  4. Preparing students for continuation into an appropriate PhD program or medical school, and conduct research methodology effectively.
  5. Training candidates to respect the bioethical issues inherent in medical research and become problem-solvers.
PLOs (Program Learning Outcomes)
  • K1: Possess a comprehensive, coherent and systematic body of knowledge and molecular concepts in the field of clinical laboratory sciences.
  • K2: Deeply understand the principles of various laboratory kits, biological hazards, reagents preparation, and equipment to diagnose various medical disorders, infectious and chronic diseases.
  • S1: Distinguish between different laboratory procedures and various diseases through proper technical performance.
  • S2: Design and conduct advanced research experiments and producing reliable results.
  • S3: Present their research findings and assignments effectively, and communicate actively as a team member in the laboratory.
  • V1: Recognize professional issues in the laboratory and codes of ethics.
  • V2: Manage specialized activities in the research laboratory and participate in strategic planning.
MSc CLS Program GAs (Graduates Attributes)